From production to processing, we do everything on a CSR (Corporate Social Responsibility) basis.

Production, Quality Control, and Packaging

Customer Story: OML Fashion, Designing with Love

OML Fashion, Designing With Love, is a wonderful startup. Owner and designer Maria Ibarra was looking for a CSR-compliant facility for production, quality control, administration, and shipping of her products. The employees at Werkse! are busy every day crafting shoes and espadrilles.

How did you come into contact with Werkse!?

Owner and designer Maria Ibarra originally hails from Colombia. She ended up in the Netherlands via Spain. Ibarra says, “It’s cheaper to produce in Spain, but I live here and I want to consciously do everything, from product to processing and production, on a CSR basis. Through the Delft Entrepreneur Desk, Maria Ibarra got in touch with Werkse!. I see that the employees of Werkse! work with a lot of joy and enthusiasm.

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